Streamline Your Hiring Process: Find Top Talent Today!

Finding the right talent can be a challenge. Let Career Employment Service simplify your hiring process. We source qualified candidates, offer flexible staffing solutions, and save you time and money. 

Streamline Your Hiring Process Find Top Talent Today!

Hiring a new employee involves a significant investment of time and resources. That’s where we come in. We’ll get to know you, your company culture, and help you build a profile of your ideal candidate. Once we know exactly what you’re looking for, we will:

Advertise Your Job Opening

on our website and in local media.

Evaluate Existing Candidates

Evaluate likely candidates already in our database.

Perform Background Checks

Perform any background checks, testing or screening you require, verify work eligibility, check references, etc.

Select and Forward Top Candidates

Choose the candidates we think are the best fit and send you their resumes.

Placement Options

From the selection of hand-picked candidates, you choose which you want to interview. Once you decide on a candidate,
you may choose one of our placement options (below).

Temporary Staffing Flexible, Quick & Convenient

Temporary Staffing

Flexible, Quick & Convenient

Temporary employees are a great option when you need extra help during busy seasons, for special events or projects, or when a regular employee takes a leave of absence. We’ll find out exactly what you need, and then hand-pick the candidates we think are most qualified. Temporary employees technically work for us, so we take care of all the paperwork.

Temp-To-Hire Low-Risk, No-Hassle Recruiting


Low-Risk, No-Hassle Recruiting

Our Temp-To-Hire service gives you a trial period to evaluate an employee’s performance before making a commitment. If you determine that the candidate is a good match prior to the end of the trial period, a buyout charge can be calculated. During the trial period, the employee is on our payroll.

Direct Hire Access to Top Local Talent

Direct Hire

Access to Top Local Talent

With direct hire, you can take advantage of our recruitment and screening services, select the best candidate, and welcome the new employee to your staff immediately.

Career Employment Advantages

Save Money Career Employment Advantages

Save Money

Don’t underestimate the cost of a bad hire. All the time you spend recruiting, interviewing and training is lost—and then you have to do it all over again. Working with Career Employment means you select from a pool of qualified, pre-screened employees. With our “Temp-to-Hire” service, you have the option of a trial period, during which you can evaluate an employee’s performance, attitude and qualifications before you hire him or her permanently.

Save Time Career Employment Advantages

Save Time

Recruiting a new employee is a time-consuming process. We can take care of it for you so you only interview qualified candidates. In addition, we take care of payroll processing for temporary and temp-to-hire workers during their trial period.

Increase Revenue Career Employment Advantages

Increase Revenue

Our recruiting expertise and screening services return more highly-qualified employees, which means more production and more revenue. Plus, hiring the right person the first time means better retention and lower turn-over.