How does your service work?
We will have you fill out an application, then interview with one of our job counselors. Read more about our Job Seeker services.
Is there a fee for your service?
No, there is no fee charged to our applicants.
Do I need an appointment?
No. We have counselors available Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
How long will it take?
Expect to spend approximately 30 minutes completing the application and interviewing process.
Will I have to complete any testing?
Some employers require skill assessment tests before they interview a candidate
What do I need to bring to apply?
An updated resume is recommended. Please include employment history and dates of employment.
How should I dress when I apply and Interview?
Dress professional and conservative.
How long does it take for you to find me a job?
That varies. It depends on what your skills are and what jobs are available. Our job is to find the right match for each of our employers and candidates.
What types of jobs do you hire for?
Accounting | Administrative | Banking / Finance | Clerical / Office Administration
Computer / IT Construction | Customer Service | Drivers CDL | Drivers Non-CDL
Engineers | General Labor | Graphic Design | Health Care
Health Care – Veterinary | Heating & Air Conditioning | Human Resources Insurance | Janitorial / Housekeeping
Legal / Paralegal | Machinists | Management | Manufacturing
Marketing / Advertising | Professional Degreed | Retail Sales | Technical
Temporary / Seasonal | Warehouse / Shipping | Welders